Thursday, March 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad, I Love You.


As I was laying in bed trying to go to leep tonight, I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wished I could have been with you today on your birthday, so I decided I'd write and tell you.

I wanted to apologize again for not having a card or a gift for you on your special day. The card is on it's way, and the gift will be shortly, but they weren't there today when they should have been, and I feel badly. I'm sorry. That being said, there are things that no simple card can ever express, so I wanted to tell you about them now. I hope you don't mind that I shared them with the world on this blog. I just want everyone to know how very proud I am to call you my Dad.

First of all, you are now, always have been, and always will be my hero. You and Mom have taught me and raised me to be who I am today, and while I'm sure I didn't turn out quite as you'd hoped (I still can't speak Latin...), I think you did an incredible job with what you had to work with. You taught me to do the right thing. You taught me the importance of telling the truth. You showed me what it meant to be a man and a father. Big footsteps to follow in to be sure, but I try my best every day to make you proud of me.

You were (and still are) always there when I needed you. You let me sleep with you and Mom in the middle of the night when I was scared. You let me "help" you build things, even when all I did was get in the way. You put a bicycle together for me on my 6th Birthday. You let me run the trains under the Christmas tree. You drove an hour and a half to rescue me in the middle of the night when I got scared at camp. You went to every soccer game, baseball game, football game and parade even when all I did was stand in the middle of the field watching airplanes and trains. You made sure I got that double dump truck, even when there weren't any to be had. You fixed countless flat tires, broken toys, skinned knees, and hurt feelings. You soundproofed your garage for me when I just had to have that drum set. You took us on countless wonderful vacations. New York, Las Vegas, Yellowstone, Bryce, Zion, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Salt Lake City, San Diego, San Francisco, Reno, Driving accross the country (what is it? 4 times now?) You showed me the things that were special to you. You took me golfing with you and just you at 6am on a Sunday morning, and taught me a little about the game you loved. You put me through a private school, even when I gave you every reason not to. You drove down to LAX in the middle of the night to rescue Mike, Greg and I when I wasn't paying attention and crashed the car. You pinned my WO1 bars on my shoulders. You pinned my wings on my chest. You moved me and my junk accross the country...twice.

You gave of yourself whatever it was you thought I needed, and you did so graciously and without question. You taught me the importance of doing a good job, no matter what job I was doing. You taught me to take responsibility for myself and my actions. You taught me to be proud of myself, and to stand up for what I believed in. You taught me to "think positive". You reminded me that 90% of the things we worry about never happen. You taught me the importance of just saying a prayer, and you let me decide who to pray to. You let me follow my dreams and pursue my goals, never once trying to change my mind. You let me become me because you were you.

In short Dad, you set the example for me to follow, and a simple "Thank You" will never be thanks enough. You and Mom were and are my biggest fans. I just wanted you to know that I am yours as well.

I can only hope that I can be for Jaislyn what you are to me. If I accomplish nothing else in my life, that will be enough. Thank you for who you've helped me become Dad, and thank you for who you are. I love you more than you can possibly know.

Happy Birthday.