Sunday, October 28, 2007

And So The Adventure Begins

Tuesday, Octber 23rd, 2007 was a difficult day.

It was the last time I would wake up in my own bed for a year. It was the first time I would have to leave my family for such a long period. No fun, I promise, but I didn't expect it would be.

It wasn't hard waking up, since in order to actually wake up, you first must be asleep, and that night I didn't get much. My mind was going 1000 mph, albeit in neutral. So many unknowns and questions yet to be answered, but at that point there was nothing I could do about it. I was along for the ride, and we'd all figure things out as we went. I think it's commonly referred to as jumping in feet first... here we go.

The flight to Fort Rucker was unusually pleasant and uneventful. I arrived nearly on time, and all of my bags did as well. Almost unheard of for Delta in my experience.

I got to my room at Fort Rucker at about 11pm, and 8am came way too early. Wednesday was spent doing paperwork and going to classes. Typical Army stuff. Once all that was complete, I had some time to go to the PX (Military version of Wal Mart) and do some last minute shopping. I bought a digital camera and a big backpack. I also decided to treat myself to a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich rather than eat at the mess hall. I figured I had the next year to learn to like mess hall food.

Thursday was pretty much a carbon copy of Wednesday, just with different boring classes. Don't ask me which ones, I can't remember. Thats how educational they were.

Friday I actually got to take the airplane out and knock the dust and cobwebs out of my head for an hour or two.

Saturday morning rolled around, and we all piled into the van for the 3 hour ride to Fort Benning, GA, where we'd spend the next week getting "educated", poked, and prodded. I didn't really care about that. Jamie and Jaislyn were coming to GA on Oct 30th, Mom, Dad and Shannon were coming on the 31st, and Mike, Cindy and Tyler were coming down on Nov 2nd. Thats what I was focused on and looking forward to.

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