Sunday, November 25, 2007

525,600 Minutes...

Anyone who has seen the Broadway play "Rent" will understand where the title of this post came from. 525,600 minutes is the number of minutes in one year. Coincidently, that is exactly the amount of time I am scheduled to be here in Iraq, and so it got me thinking.

As I sit here in the little cocoon that is my room (Not complaining at all by the way), it occured to me just how big a number that is. Over half a million minutes. Over 31,000,000 seconds. Seems intimidating when we think about it in those terms, doesn't it? But we don't have to think about it that way. It's all in how we look at it. If we turn it around, we can make the numbers very small as well. 31,536,000 Seconds = 525,600 Minutes = 8760 Hours = 365 Days = 12 Months = 4 Seasons = 1 Year = 10% of a Decade = 1% of a Century = 0.1% of a Millenium, and so on and so forth. They're all exactly the same measurement of time, its just a matter of perspective really.

It's also a matter of attitude. That fact has become extremely apparent to me since arriving in Iraq. I've seen the entire spectrum as far as attitude goes. Everything from people who don't mind being here in the least and have in fact signed up to stay even longer, to people who have invented "issues" in order to attempt to get an early trip home (They're referred to as "Klingers" a la M*A*S*H). I've seen deep depression caused by the separation, and those who were happy to get away from home. It made me stop and reflect on how I was doing on the emotional front. I've been so immersed in getting the job done, I really hadn't stopped to check myself so to speak. In doing so, I realized that I was actually doing just fine. Of course I miss everyone like crazy, and there is nowhere on Earth I'd rather be than back home, but the strength of my relationships and all the support I am receiving from friends and loved ones has allowed me a level of comfort and reassurance that apparently is fairly rare.

Attitude is a funny thing. We all know the old addage about seeing the glass as half full or half empty, but it is truly amazing the difference a positive attitude can make. Dad always tells me to "Think Positive", and if that advice ever applied, it applies here. We can choose to be miserable, or we can choose to make the best of the opportunities we've been given, either way we're going to be gone the same amount of time. Before we left Fort Benning, a Chaplain told us "There are those who count the days, and then there are those who make the days count." He was exactly right, and I am doing my best to fall into the latter category.

The time is indeed starting to fly, at least on a daily basis. I had so many wonderful plans as to how to spend my spare time. I want to take online courses, excercise/lose weight, plan 2 vacations, etc. The only problem is, I haven't got any spare time to spend! I think that will change a little once we've settled into a more comfortable routine, but right now, it's all I can do to keep up with the flight schedule, and that's a good thing.

People all cope with stress differently, but I believe that how you cope depends in large part on your attitude, and that in turn depends on your "Support System" as Jamie calls it, (and it makes sense.) I think of this year away from home as a bridge, and all of you back home are my support. You're the reason I am able to do this. A bridge with no structure would soon find itself in pieces on the ground. The same is true here. A person with no support, or at least insufficient support, soon falls apart and is essentially useless as far as the mission goes, and can even go so far as to be a danger to themselves and those around them. I am extremely grateful for and lucky to have all the love and support I have in all of you back home. Thank You.

I've been on the ground here in Iraq over two weeks already, and all is well. Spirits are high, even in this Holiday season. As I said in an earlier post, being away from home, friends and family makes me reflect on and truly appreciate just how lucky I am, and that realization is perhaps the best Christmas present anyone could ask for. That being said, I am still eagerly awaiting my mid-tour leave, and cannot wait to see what my "Welcome Home" party is going to be like. If you're reading this, you're invited.

See you all in less than 0.1% of a Millenium.


Anonymous said...

PARTY... PARTY... PARTY! I fully expect to have a massively and wonderfully fabulous Welcome Home party for you when you return, my love. Keep up the great work with your "positive attitude" and time will pass easily, steadily, and (even) quickly. We love you, and we miss you! XOXO Jamie & Jaislyn

Anonymous said...

BTW... Your daughter is totally in love with the music from "RENT." Did you know that? My mom has the movie HDR'd and Jaislyn special requests it. Oh, and has corrected us (more than once) on the number (525,600) when singing it unaccompanied! "NO! It's not that... it's... Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes..." Who knew a 2-1/2 year old could even say a phrase like that!?!? Jeez are we in for it when she gets older! (Who am I kidding... we're already in for it!) XOXO Jamie